Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO ‘Search Engine Optimization If you are new to the world of Blogging and Digital Marketing then you have very heard it a lot. you must have come to the question that the what is SEO ‘Search Engine Optimization? & how do SEO of the Website or Blog?

The complete form of easy SEO is ‘Search Engine Optimization’. Actually, SEO means that any website should be optimized in such a way that it can be effectively displayed in the search engine & get a high rank so that all the organic traffic is received.

If you want to learn about Search Engine Optimization and go to number one on google, how it is done, and how it is concretized, & how to get more & more traffic by sewing your blog or website, then read this article first to last.

What is SEO and how it works

How to do search engine optimization

Search engine optimization tutorial

Search engine optimization google

Search engine optimization techniques


Benefits of the SEO


Search Engine Optimization 2019 - Write SEO Friendly Post


  1. The Results are Low Cost
  2. Definite Increase in Traffic
  3. Higher Brand Credibility, People Trust on the Google
  4. Better ROI & then Than Normal Ads
  5. Your Competitors Are Doing It
  6. Take Your Business to the Next world
  7. maximum of 250 Million Websites on the Web, SEO Makes You Stand Out
  8. 60% Of Clicks Go to the First Result on the google
  9. The Results are Permanent

If you have a website or blog site then you will need to do organic traffic. There is no point in growing your website or blog site without traffic. If you have made a website to earn money, you can not earn without good organic traffic.

There are so many ways to get organic traffic for the website or blog site, such as linking to a direct your visitors, from social media and paid advertising, etc. But the top amazing way of all of these is to get organic traffic, which comes from a direct Google search engine.

It is very important to get the blog websites Google search engine optimization to get more & more organic traffic. On the Internet, people search only on the information Google search engine.


Types of the (SEO)


Search Engine Optimization 2019 - Write SEO Friendly Post


SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. It is used to optimize websites & make it user-friendly. Seo is a technique that is used to enhance the ranking of the website in Google search engine results pages (SERP). It includes two types:


  1. On Page [SEO]
  2. Off Page [SEO]

On page SEO


Search Engine Optimization 2019 - Write SEO Friendly Post

Also, read my old article=

Create automatic internal links in blogs post on page SEO 2019

On-Page SEO is a practice to advance individual website pages to a higher rank and get more pertinent traffic in the web search engine. As such, an exertion which you will apply on the websites to optimize all the content corresponding to long-tail catchphrases (keywords). It includes the following activities


  • Use Top Web Page Titles
  • Optimize Meta-Descriptions
  • Optimize Meta-Tags
  • URL-Structure [ Page Url ]
  • Content-length Optimization
  • Image-Optimization
  • Keyword-Density


Page Title

The most important of all on the page SEO is SEO optimized the page title. It is mandatory to optimize page title to get high ranking on Google search engine. Whatever keyword you want to rank in the Google, you must be in the title of the page.

Your length of the page title should be between 60 & 70. This is the result of Top on Google on most search engines.

You can use some SEO friendly Cathy words to optimize the page title in google first page, such as Top, Latest, How To, Step by Step, Complete Guide, Tutorial & latest updated.


Meta Description

The Meta description tag in SEO is the 2nd most important factor. many people believe that Google does not give meta-tags more important, to some extent it is correct. But if your content is very good & creates a perfect meta description, then you get the benefit of it on the Google search engine.

Meta Description pushes your post short summary to the Google search engine on the top. The length of the meta description is 160 characters or better then it is very best.

In order to get good ranking in Google search engine, at least once in the meta description, the keyword you want to rank is mandatory.



Ranking top page in Google in 2019 has far more to do with relevance & reputation of high-quality content or post, user satisfaction & online popularity than simple meta tag optimization.

In my experience, most Meta tags do not noticeably influence where a page ranks in Google search engine, in a positive way.

Meta tags. when you used properly can still be useful in a number of areas outside just ranking top pages e.g. to improve CTR from the SERP. Abuse them, & you might fall foul of Google’s punitive quality algorithms.


Page Url

If the URL of Page is SEO optimized then it helps you to get a very good ranking on the Google search engine. You need to customize and the URL to optimize the URL of the targeted page. Whenever you write a web or blog post, the title of the post on Blogspot or WordPress any becomes automatic. & that would not be quite long & SEO friendly

If you want to get very good results then you should make the page URL as short as possible & use the main keyword.


Content length Optimization

The content length on page SEO is a top factor in Google search engine. The more content on the page, the higher your chance of top ranking. More content or post does not mean that you will not get any benefit from writing the length of the post by writing anything. Now a lot of competitors. So you have to write a lot.

Whatever topic you wrote on your topic related post, it is written in deeply detail, winning points also let you know all the posts. Why the search engine puri likes to show deeply detailed information first.



The Google search engine does not like images of big size & it also reduces the website’s speed. The image or picture should be compressed only after compressing it.

If you WordPress user, you will find many plugins that post & compress the image of your blog or website. But if you have a blog on Blogspot, you have to manually post it after compressing the big size of the image.

I use the and online compressor site tool to compress the image on my Blogspot blog & I suggest this tool to all Blogspot bloggers users. It is very easy and first, you just have to upload your image & compress it by download it an easy and simple way to compress any size of images.


Keyword Density

Most important Keyword density is the percentage of the number of times a keyword appears on a page divided by the total number of words in that page.

So if in an article of 200 words you are using your keyword 20 times, your density will be 20%. some people use different formulas to calculate keyword density like this one article.


Off-page SEO


Search Engine Optimization 2019 - Write SEO Friendly Post


The Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the boundaries of your blog site or website. The most important are

The Link Building, Social Media Marketing and Social bookmarking

We will examine these in more deep details below, but first, let me explain about the importance & benefits of off-page SEO.


Responses trick SEO-friendly blog post for bloggers

Search Engine Optimization 2019 - Write SEO Friendly Post


Also, read my old article=


Advance SEO Settings For Bloggers – Best SEO Ideas 2019


First Think before you write any Post

Think very carefully about the topic. What do you want to tell your readers/visitors or which top question do you want to answer your readers? What’s the topic of your article or blog post? & what do you want your readers to do at the last of the page? Write down all the answers to these questions before you start writing your blog post.


Devise a structure for your Post                                                

Some sort of introduction (your topic intro), a body (your main message is written) and a conclusion (and here your end line your post).


Use Your Topic paragraphs

Paragraphs are used by everyone but Very few people know how to use them Because it looks so much beautiful. When you start a new paragraph, there will be a logical reason. When you start a new paragraph it will look a logical reason. Each paragraph should have its own concept or subject. What is the main idea of each paragraph you ask yourself? Only one sentence that should be able to summarize the original idea. If you need more sentences, use only the more paragraphs you have to use.


Use Headings

Heading creates the whole page, so use the heading. The title is not read-only but important as SEO. The heading help Google to understand the basics of a long post very easily and so can help with your ranking. If you want to find your way through your articles to your patents, you must use the titles to lead people, of course,


Optimize your article length

Of course, there are at least 400 words in your articles. Google likes long articles, however, if your article is too long – and it takes a lot of time to read it – your article can make users frighten. When you know that you are a skilled writer, then you just try writing long articles. See this article how you want to know: “See how long my article should be”. And do not forget to use your focus keywords now!

conclusion: if you want to go to Google’s Fast page, You must have an idea about SEO, Because without on page and off page SEO, you will not be rank on google, If you read this article well then you will be able to rank the first page on Google

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