Let’s face it. Getting accepted into CPA networks is the hardest thing for most of the newbies in this CPA business. Because CPA networks try to play safe as there are lot of frauds that happens online in terms of fake leads and transactions. The more quality traffic these CPA networks send
to the advertisers makes the advertisers happy, they make money, and then they send CPA networks their commissions and these CPA networks pay you your commissions. So we need to play some smart moves to get accepted into CPA networks.


If you’re new into this CPA game and you never accepted into a CPA network then what I suggest to you is always go
and first try to get approve into small CPA networks. And the reason is all CPA networks ask 1 common question when your joining them. What other CPA networks you work with? People reply none and CPA networks denied there applications. Once you get accepted into 1 or 2 small CPA networks then approach to big networks and your chances to get approve into networks increase.

This is very important you should register a domain name with your own name. Like I have a domain name “” this shows you’re a professional guy and working in internet industry. Always use your domain name email while applying into CPA networks. Like I use the following email address when I apply to any of CPA networks


Call Your CPA Account Manager Another tip while applying to CPA networks which increase your chance to get accepted into CPA networks is once you finished your application process you should call your affiliate manager and talk with him. The only thing which most of the CPA managers are looking to know is how you promote their offers. So you should have a complete pin point plan ready which you will explain your affiliate managers on the call. (Don’t worry in the next section I will give you answer of some of the common question which your affiliate manager will ask from you)Be Confident When you will be talking with your affiliate manager be sure you’re confident and already prepared about the question your affiliate manager will ask to you. So it is important that you’re well prepared before your call. One of the………………..

(To Be continue)

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